Friday, March 29, 2002

ahhh.... one of those better than you thought they'd ever be nights that ends leaving you feeling the sensation of slow separation linger in your immediate atmosphere...
in the aching heart breaking distance between dreams and their manifestation you perceieve the telos of the kosmos noticing the minute replications of the larger pattern as they replicate themselves isomorphic phantasms implying presaged imaginums.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

lost a post about study abroad feelings. that's the shits. basically wanted to say that i kinda knew it was coming, but that it still got me down (this is like 250 words condensed into one sentence).

well that went much better than i thought it might... she seems like she'll make a good sponsor, just like her mommy and daddy before her... it's almost too cute. talking to j after the interview was funny- we seriously sat there for like twenty more minutes (ok, i admit my sense of time is a little disjointed at the moment) and just shot the shit... mary came in and that prompted a massive rivers of gossip to flood the room for the remainder of the time. his descriptions of his boy are pretty funny; waving his hands in the air, making silly faces, saying that they're really different people [sidenote: i frigging called him [j's boy that is] by his full name not once, not twice, but three times in the course of this conversation--- fuckudrfreud.] - i wanted to be like "so basically, you're just using each other for ass when it's convienient" but i didn't coz i felt like that might be crossing a line.
yeah.... the interview will prolly go a little better if i don't comepletely smell like resin smoke.
i think i might have sprained my ankle at table manners last night, which would be about the SUCKIEST THING IN THE WORLD coz good friday is now just 2 days away and if i can't boulder or dance i don't know what i'll do with myself.
Reality checking, 1 2 3... this is such a friggin small school. saw him walk to get his mail, walk away with that marie girl. made me realize how long it had been since i had seen him. i wonder if he saw me and decided not to say something, or if the quality thrift granny glasses hid me.